自分のツイートを取得する TwistOAuth / Twitter API
<?php // Load this library. require 'TwistOAuth.phar'; // Prepare simple wrapper function for htmlspecialchars. function h($str) { return htmlspecialchars($str, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } // Set default HTTP status code. $code = 200; // Set your timezone. date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Tokyo'); try { $to = new TwistOAuth('XXXXXXXXXX', 'XXXXXXXXXX', 'XXXXXXXXXX', 'XXXXXXXXXX'); $statuses = $to->get('statuses/user_timeline', array('count' => 1)); } catch (TwistException $e) { // Set error message. $error = $e->getMessage(); // Overwrite HTTP status code. // The exception code will be zero when it thrown before accessing Twitter, we need to change it into 500. $code = $e->getCode() ?: 500; } ?> <?php if (!empty($statuses)): ?> <?php foreach ($statuses as $status): ?> <?php $tweet_id = $status->id_str; $tweetUrl = 'https://twitter.com/username' . '/status/' . $tweet_id; ?> <?php $tweetText = $status->text; ?> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?>